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Have you ever played one too many computer game or watched one too many old rerun? You just can't get into another mystery and you just feel flat? Maybe you are suffering from boredom, that familiar accomaniment to our automated, precooked lifestyles. If so, you need to check out these hobby ideas. Hobbies have been found to be therapeutic as they relieve stress and get the mind active. In this article, you'll find hobby ideas for every sort of person, from the intellectual to the athlete, from the homemaker to the attorney.

Many times we are bored because we have become too inactive. If this is your problem, you might like a sports hobby. Have you ever tried tennis? How about golf? Many people simply love bowling until it becomes an important part of their lives. Sports hobbies get you out of the house and often are a way to make friends with others. Then again, some active hobbies can be enjoyed in our own homes, such as weight lifting and doing aerobic dance to a video.

Speaking of aerobic dance, dancing is another great pastime. When you think of hobby ideas, don't forget the many forms of dance. Square dancing is fun for people who like getting together with groups, while ballet and modern dance appeal to the more contemplative souls. And while we're on contemplation, you might enjoy doing yoga stretches as a hobby.

Maybe we're feeling bored and listless because we've been cooped up in the house too long. If that's the problem, here are a few hobby ideas to get you out in the fresh air. Have you ever thought of taking up canoeing, hiking, or trapping? How about getting involved with an environmental group? In many states, you can form groups to clean riverbanks and monitor water quality, and the state will provide perks such as t-shirts, work gloves, and first-aid kits. Or maybe you'd like studying the flora and fauna of your region. It can be great fun to stroll through the woods and fields with a field guide, learning to identify each wildflower, insect, tree, and bird.

There are almost as many hobby ideas as there are bored people in the world, because everyone puts their own spin on their favorite hobbies. Maybe you'd enjoy decorating your house with antiques, or learning to bake specialty breads from around the World. Maybe you'd like to take part in a little theatre production, or learn to play guitar. What about the fine arts of weaving tapestries or painting with oils? Candle making, soap making, and many other old-time crafts are being enjoyed again. Truly, with all these hobby ideas, there is no reason to stay bored for long!

All school systems should have goals. These goals must be attainable, however. While these centers of learning must know where they headed and how they are going to get there, it seems that they are becoming more and more unreasonable in their expectations. Perhaps they should be classified more as performance dreams; because no matter how many times you write “all students will…” doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Baltimore Schools, just like many others throughout the natio...


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All school systems should have goals. These goals must be attainable, however. While these centers of learning must know where they headed and how they are going to get there, it seems that they are becoming more and more unreasonable in their expectations. Perhaps they should be classified more as performance dreams; because no matter how many times you write “all students will…” doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Baltimore Schools, just like many others throughout the nation, have these types of goals, while they might be admirable, they’re completely unattainable.

Performance Wishes of Baltimore Schools

Baltimore Schools list eight performance goals as part of their mission of education. Some of them are more attainable than others, but none of them can be completely accomplished. This is simply due to the fact that schools are run by and inhabited by humans. We are not perfect, and are completely fallible. Just because students attend Baltimore Schools and teachers teach at Baltimore Schools does not mean that they are better than any others attending or teaching at any other school in the United States. Of course, we must hold all to high standards, but it must be with the understanding that not everyone is going to succeed at the same level.

For example, the Baltimore County public schools performance goal 1 states that by 2012 that ALL students will reach proficiency in all core subjects – Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Well, my friends, while they can all try to do their best, not all students are going to be able to do this. Whether it’s peer pressure, lack of parental support, unavoidable family troubles, low socio-economic background, or simply a learning disability, not ALL kids will achieve this goal.

Performance Goal 2 states basically the same thing as #1, but specifically targets ESL students –those who have English as a Second Language. I am not by any means suggesting that these Baltimore Schools’ students can’t reach this goal, or that they aren’t as intelligent as their American Baltimore Schools peers. I propose a simple example: What about the student who moves to and enrolls in one of the Baltimore Schools from Germany in the 12th grade, or what if a 4th grader moves in from Peru in May of the school year? You get the idea.

Baltimore Schools Seek Perfect Teachers

Baltimore Schools’ Performance Goal 4 is also challenging to fulfill. It states that ALL students will be taught by highly qualified Baltimore Schools teachers. Indeed, they have a right to be. But quite frankly, every school has more than one teacher who can’t wait for retirement, is stuck in a job they greatly dislike, or is suffering from burnout. They may have family troubles or stress like a move, a divorce, or serious illness to contend with that leads them to give a less than perfect performance each day.

While not all the Performance Goals set forth by Baltimore Schools’ leaders are pipe dreams, it would be nice to see an understanding of the hard work required to accomplish these goals reflected in goals which are truly attainable.

We all make mistakes. Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, we all make mistakes.


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We all make mistakes. Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, we all make mistakes. Sometimes we realize, other times we don't. But we all make mistakes because we are human. Only God does not ever make any mistake.

Some of our mistakes hurt our interest. They don't hurt anyone else. But sometimes, we do few things knowingly or unknowingly that hurt others. That is the time to apologize. Why do many of us apologize immediately, and why do many of us avoid it? Why do many of us say sorry even for an insignificant hurt, while some wait for ages to sorry after committing gigantic blunders? That is a mystery. It all depends upon our thinking, our upbringing, our humility, our sense of right and wrong, and our opinion of others feelings and so on. But do we become smaller by saying sorry? Are we confessing a blunder by saying sorry? Are we hurting our ego by saying sorry? Certainly not.

We rather become better by saying sorry. When we say sorry, we feel good, the other party feels good. By saying sorry, we are not making a mistake of confessing a blunder and putting ourselves to risk of ridicule, but saying that- look here, I made this mistake, and I am very sorry for that. Please forgive me and let us be friends again. An apology makes us a better person by cleansing us of our guilt. Let us all say sorry as soon as we realize that by any act of ours, we have hurt someone even if the hurt is insignificant. If the mistake is bigger, our apology should match it to bring matters back to normal.

Let us apologize at all the times, we make a mistake and make someone happy again and get happiness in return.

When a bride orders her wedding bouquet, it might not seem that any "activities" will come from it other than as a thing for the bride to hold. But the bridal bouquet can be the source of many interesting activities and meaningful gestures.

During there ceremony there are all kinds of possibilities. Certainly you can go traditional and have a flower for both the mother of the bride and mother of the groom. The moms, in particular, love this activity and guests usually appreciate it as well. But what if you turned that traditional gesture on its head and supplied flowers for both the mothers and the fathers?

If the bride supplies flowers to both the men and women, there are a couple of ways to do this. What if dad's flower was enclosed in a verse that he will then get up and read at the ceremony? What if it was a flower to recognize the members of the family who have passed, and it gives dad an opportunity to recognize those family members?

If the bride chooses not to have a unity candle, but wants some gesture like it, she can have her bridal bouquet designed by having several small bouquets put together. At an appropriate time during the ceremony, the bridal bouquet is "broken up" and various people might receive a share, such as the mothers and fathers of the bride and groom.

Now, if the bride wants to hang onto her bridal bouquet during the wedding ceremony, but is willing to have some fun with it at the reception, there are a few options there as well. How about a dance involving the bridal bouquet? This is silly, but fun. The bridal bouquet is on display somewhere near the dance floor and guests must guess a flower that's in the bouquet before they can enter the dance floor. The first few guests might not have a problem as some flowers are obvious, like roses and tulips, but others might give people pause. Of course, this won't work if the bridal bouquet is all roses or some other single and obvious flower but for a traditional mixed bouquet, it can work well.

For a naughty touch, the bride can hide her garter in the bridal bouquet and actually put it on her leg before the groom takes it off. Or she can have a couple of breakaway bouquets that are wrapped in garter belts, so hers doesn't get thrown, but instead the tiny bouquets with garter belts attached are thrown.

When it comes time for the bride to throw her bouquet, there are several options. Some brides choose not to keep their bouquet and simply pluck one flower out of it before chucking the whole thing during the bridal bouquet toss. This is an alternative to having a special bouquet set aside for throwing, and there are others as well.

Are there are a lot of single women coming to the wedding? Maybe one thrown bouquet won't be enough. Many brides these days are opting for something a little more fun. There are a few options, really. One popular option is to have the florist create several small bouquets and then bundle them to look like one bouquet. They are tied lightly with a ribbon. When it comes time for the bouquet toss, the bride unties the ribbon, and throws the "bouquet" which is actually several little bouquets. Several women will catch the bouquet, rather than just one.

Whether you are already involved in an email marketing campaign or are simply considering the possibility of launching an email marketing campaign it is important to note that email marketing does not always work. This means that sometimes despite your best efforts, or sometimes in spite of your best efforts, you email marketing campaign will either not generate the degree of success you anticipated or may not generate any success at all. This failure to generate success may be do to a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons may be a lack of interest on behalf of your target audience, failure to properly execute your email marketing strategy or poor planning in your strategy. This article will take a look at some situations in which email marketing is not effective and will offer some advice for dealing with these situations.

First we will consider why a lack of interest from target audience members can result in a failed email marketing campaign. Before investing time, energy and money into an email marketing campaign, it is worthwhile to hire a consultant to conduct market research. This research should provide valuable feedback such as demographics for the target audience and information on the probability these target audience members will be responsive to email marketing. This last piece of information in particular should help the business owner to determine whether or not to pursue email marketing as an advertising option. If market research indicates the members of your target audience are not likely to purchase the products or services you offer online or even use the Internet to research these products or services; investing in an email marketing campaign is not worthwhile. You may enjoy a small degree of success from this marketing effort but it is not likely to significant enough to warrant the time and effort required to achieve this small degree of success.

Another aspect of email marketing which can cause your marketing campaign to result in failure is the inability to properly execute your marketing plan. This is important because even the most well formulated marketing strategy can flounder if you are not able to properly execute these steps. For example, you may plan to use e-newsletters as a critical component of your email marketing campaign but if these e-newsletters do not appear to be professionally designed and written, frequently arrive late and do not offer valuable information, readers are not likely to invest in your products or services based on these e-newsletters. In each aspect of your email marketing campaign, you should strive to ensure the information you provide to your email recipients is informative, accurate and interesting. This type of copy is more likely to pique the interest of the readers.

Finally, poor planning can cause an email marketing campaign to falter. For example, if you were to issue a component of your email marketing campaign hoping to generate a huge interest in your products and receive a great deal of interest, you should be prepared to be able to sell your products. Not having enough stock on hand after you undergo a marketing effort can be a critical mistake because potential customers may lose interest if they have to wait for the products. This is just one example of poor planning causing problems but poor planning can cause a host of different problems including potential customers losing interesting, the creation of confusion regarding your products and services and even potential customers being angered by your email marketing.

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